This winter's visit to Oaxaca is nearing it's end. 11 days to go until we fly to Mexico City, overnight near the airport, and then board our flight to NYC and Boston.
We're in that phase of the trip where we are trying to get to favorite restaurants one more time, visit friends we won't see for many months, pick goodies to bring home, get in another round of pool and dominoes. I have to button up the public computers at the library, and turn over documentation to friend Dan, who will be the go to guy while I'm gone.
This has been one of the hottest winters on record here in Oaxaca, and this is following one of the driest rainy seasons in memory. People are having problems with their water supplies, and the heat and thirst is affecting everyone. Mexico City is down to a 30 day supply, and rainy season is 90-120 days away. 25 million people live there. And to make things more interesting, the volcano Popo, 50 miles away from Mexico City has been erupting all week, moving the hazard level ever higher.
Been one hell of a year so far...
Anyways, just some photos from around Oaxaca this week. Photo phatigue is setting in, along with the heat, so it's a small take. Hope you enjoy.
Been all over this town |
Finn shows us his great barista skills
We had a great visit with Finn at his new house in San Felipe. Finn is a retired engineer from Iceland via Canada, and a great pool player.
All hills in San Felipe
I didn't have a level, so Judi stood in as a plum bob. Roads are corrugated for extra grip
Lot's of very modern houses in San Felipe |
Meanwhile, back in Oaxaca
The empties are stacking up
Three cases of beer on their way

Water by the Jug
Water by the Truckload- a pipa filling a cistern
Water tanks on the rooftops, these get filled by underground cisterns at each house
Our neighbors watertanks and her rooftop garden
We have a flood control structure near us called La Cascada, to handle the flow of the Jalalatco river as it goes through the Xochimilco neighborhood. Never seen a drop of water while we visit, but I hear its quite a sight in rainy season
Some sights in the Xochimilco neihborhood where we live
No Parking
Bouganvilla |
Around Llano Park
Social Security
Listen to the Lion
WTF? |
If a tree a falls in the park, someone will carve it!
At the barber shop on Conzatti Park. Looks huge, but its about 10'x12'
Some finished brooms in the park |
Choose wisely!
Bob plans his next move
My next move
The big event
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